
Newborn Hearing Screening Follow-up

Newborns who do pass the hearing screening performed in the hospital prior to discharge are seen for follow-up testing using non-sedated ABR and OAE test procedures. Our clinic provides this follow-up testing to babies across the West Alabama area. Infants who are confirmed to have hearing loss are then provided necessary evaluation and intervention services, including hearing aid fitting if warranted.

Program Goal:

To ensure that all newborns in our area receive the required and appropriate follow-up screening, evaluation, diagnosis and intervention, if necessary, in a timely manner following the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing Guidelines for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Programs.

Pediatric Hearing Services

The Speech and Hearing Center offers the following audiologic services for infants and children of all ages:

  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations
  • Hearing Aid Evaluations and Fitting
  • Newborn Hearing Screening
  • Hearing Screening for Headstart and Early Intervention
  • Assistive Listening Devices

Adult Hearing Services

The Speech and Hearing Center offers a wide range of audiologic services for adults including:

  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations
  • Hearing Aid Evaluations and Fitting
  • Assistive Listening Devices
  • Cochlear Implant Mapping
  • Industrial Hearing Evaluations
  • Tinnitus Consultation and Management