Graduate Admissions

Application Information

a man and woman sitting across the table from one another in the Literacy Lab

The departmental application deadline for the master’s program in speech-language pathology is December 15 for the following fall semester. All entering graduate students will begin in the fall semester.

To be considered for unconditional admission to the graduate program in speech pathology and all applicants must have at least a 3.0 undergraduate GPA. In certain cases, applicants with lower test scores may be considered for conditional admission. This means that the student must earn an average of B or better in the first 12 semester hours of work completed. If the 12 hours are completed in a term in which the total credits exceed 12, the evaluation is made on the basis of all graduate-level work completed at the end of that term of enrollment.

Graduate School Application Tips Video

Graduate School Application Tips Handout

We asked several of our graduate students to share tips related to applying to graduate school, and we included these tips in the video above. As you begin your graduate school application process, you might find that this video is a helpful place to start!


  • GRE scores are no longer required and will not be reviewed by the department
  • Submit official GPA with complete transcript
  • Submit three letters of recommendation from individuals that can speak to your potential for success in graduate school.  Letter writers should provide examples of your outstanding scholarship, leadership experience, community involvement, strength of character, independence, and any related experiences that have enhanced your undergraduate learning experience. Additionally, letter writers should speak to your strengths/weaknesses, resiliency and ability to overcome obstacles.
  • Prepare and submit a video of you responding to the following prompts/questions. Make sure that you respond to all the prompts/questions below.  Be as creative as possible. There is no required minimum length. Videos may not exceed more than five (5) minutes in length. It is preferred that videos be submitted via YouTube link. If you are unable to use YouTube you may upload in any standard format (.mp4, avi, etc.). Videos should be added to the Portfolio section of the application in SLATE.
    • Describe something you have learned about speech-language pathology and/or other areas of interest outside of a traditional classroom/learning environment
    • How do you deal with situations that seem unfair to you?
    • What advice would you give to freshmen about successfully navigating their undergraduate careers?
    • Tell us about relationships you have with people that have given you advice about your future. Was the advice helpful or not and why?
    • Aside from becoming an SLP, what other goals do you have in your life?
  • Compose and submit a standard essay in response to the following:
    • The field of speech-language pathology requires active collaboration with numerous other disciplines. A competent speech-language pathologist must therefore be first and foremost a communication specialist. To successfully hone this skill, students must be completely committed to the intense academic and clinical training necessary for successful completion of the graduate program. With that information in mind, please respond to the following questions in essay format. Do not include your GPA in your essay submission.
      • What is the role of research in a clinical training program?
      • What about our current faculty’s research and specialization makes a good fit between your career goals and our program?
    • Note: This structured essay replaces the previous requirement of the unstructured statement of purpose.
  • Construct and submit a comprehensive curriculum vitae that documents your academic, professional, and community achievements.

How to Apply

Apply online through the UA Graduate School website. Most application materials (applicant form & datasheet, statement of purpose) can be submitted and managed online.

Submit letters of recommendation electronically, or by having them mailed directly to the department at the following address:

Department of Communicative Disorders
The University of Alabama
Box 870242
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

NOTE: Students who graduated with a BA in communicative disorders from The University of Alabama DO NOT need to submit letters of recommendation.

Send remaining documents, such as transcripts & test scores, to the UA Graduate School at the following address:

Graduate School Office
The University of Alabama
Box 870118
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0118

Applying as a Non-Background Applicant

It is possible to complete our master’s program without having earned a degree in communicative disorders. Some of our best students have had degrees in everything from English to psychobiology.

If your undergraduate GPA is at least 3.0 you can apply for graduate school just like any other prospective student. Your program will start in the fall semester and will take an additional two semesters (7 total), with your first two semesters devoted to basic undergraduate courses in communicative disorders.

Course Requirements for Non-Background Applicants

You will need to have completed undergraduate courses equivalent to psychology/sociology 101, biology, statistics and a physical science (chemistry or physics). The science courses must both be 4 credit-hour courses with a lab.

Some undergraduate courses in the communicative disorders department will be required prior to starting the graduate curriculum; view these additional courses in the section on Specific Course Requirements.

It is also possible to take the required undergraduate prerequisites in two semesters as a non-degree seeking post-graduate student, and then apply to graduate school.

If you need to speak to someone about your options for graduate school, please call (205) 348-7131.

Graduate Assistantships

The department selects a limited number of qualified applicants for graduate assistantships each semester. All successful applicants to our program are considered for available scholarships and graduate teaching assistantships.